of Jesus of Nazareth

To become a member of the Companions of Jesus of Nazareth is free. Becoming a member begins with a daily reading program, after which you may take a private promise (not a vow) to live your particular Foucauld vocation in a hidden and yet dynamic way, whatever your state of life may be. Consider it a call within a call. The lessons consist primarily of writings about Br. Charles and the spirituality of living the gospel in a life of intimacy with JESUS. Br. Charles, then, is simply like a signpost directing a way that happens to pass right where you live. It is an obscure, narrow way in your own little sphere of the world. Upon this ordinary, hidden way, one is driven by love for Jesus in every person and place He lives.
After reading, meditating, or digesting the lessons from the provided reading program, you are asked to give your response, in any way appropriate to you, by sending it via email to the coordinator of The Companions of Jesus of Nazareth. Your response is not corrected, graded, or compared to anyone else. It will not be shared in any way, unless you give specific permission to do so. The length of your response is not important.
We engage in new lessons oriented to deepen a life of the Gospel, learn the charism of Brother Charles, and live in hidden communion and intimacy with Jesus; growing in our own Nazareth, just as Jesus grew up in that tiny village. Everything needed for the school of Nazareth is available for you on the Internet at no cost. You can begin the period any time.
Br. Charles wrote that “prayer is thinking of God while loving him.” The process of growth in prayer is a dance between knowledge and love. This program aims to foster a deeper life of prayer by building a minimum of theological knowledge to waltz with love. Through this growth, one ultimately aims at contemplation.